Tuesday 7 August 2012

final update

For the final update, i finished doing the script for when the character is shot he will bleed and the score will minus 1.
below the screen shot and script and lastly the bullet and also the trail of the bullet.

Friday 27 July 2012

Effects almost done, left compiling with group members

Firstly, i finished making the rain but i need to adjust the timing so that it will stops at 1mins , as the game ends at 2 mins. as it will get dark at 1min.

 I finished making the coins to glow, by adding a halo around it with a value of 0.59 and
previously, i had a problem as the texture of the coin was covered by the halo and cant be seen.
But Mr. Ron solve it by changing the material to self-illuminate

 I managed to complete creating the blood particle effect and also i want to do a blood splatter on to the screen when the character was shot.


 Lastly, the auto shooting script of the tank is done , as Mr. Ron helped me to solve it

    public GameObject fire;
    public float force = 1000;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update ()
        if((Time.frameCount % 150)== 1)
            //Make copy
            GameObject temp = (GameObject) Instantiate(fire,this.transform.position,Quaternion.identity);
            temp.rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward *force);

Sunday 22 July 2012


I did the rain for our game, basically just adjusting the box to be as big as the terrain, increase the particles and rate of emission and other setting that were taught.
so after that im left with scripting for it to starts to rain when the time decreasing to less than a minute
and when the char is shot by the gun it will appear to be bleeding.

Monday 16 July 2012


To make the coin glow, i only simply added a halo and change the colour, next i will have to make it look better

Sunday 8 July 2012

class today

Today we did the dust and also for the character to stop running when it is standing still.

after doing the dust , i modified the dust particle with a material and did particle/alpha-blended


and then i changed the colour, change the start colour to brown and alpha for colour over lifetime.

(EFFECTS) work in progress

Firstly i need to create the blood splatter effect if the player is hit by a bullet, but it doesn't look like blood at all. had some difficult adjusting the setting , have to re-adjust again...


the particle:

Secondly, need to make the particles or maybe prefab for the bullet.
i found a animated particle image from the internet first to set as reference,

The animated particle image i took from internet, to use it as a example first.

the particle:
need to adjust somemore. 

Finally, im thinking of using the rain to use as an effects,
it will rain when the timer is halfway through the time limit, to remind the player that time is almost up

Sunday 24 June 2012

Presentation and Effects

We had presented our game today and

things we need to improve are :
Improve the lighting of the game as it was too dark
increase the turning speed of the character
correct the position of the buttons of the menu for example : "how to play" and "start game"

i will be doing the effects for the game:
gun shooting and particle of the bullet
the character will be standing still when it's not walking
when the character was attacked by the gun , he will bleed(blood effects)
in additional , either the time/coins collected will decrease.