Sunday 24 June 2012

Presentation and Effects

We had presented our game today and

things we need to improve are :
Improve the lighting of the game as it was too dark
increase the turning speed of the character
correct the position of the buttons of the menu for example : "how to play" and "start game"

i will be doing the effects for the game:
gun shooting and particle of the bullet
the character will be standing still when it's not walking
when the character was attacked by the gun , he will bleed(blood effects)
in additional , either the time/coins collected will decrease.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Our Game : Adventure Boy

Game Objective :  To Collect at least 5 coins within the time limit of 2 minutes in order to win the game.

In the beginning, we had a problem of the character not able to jump, the animation of him walking and the character kept rising up instead of falling to the ground when it jumps.
however we solved it with the help of Mr Ron, as instead the whole house and terrain was falling downward so it seem like the character going upwards.

We also did the script of the coins so when the character touches the coins it will disppear and gain a score by one.

me and jennifer did some of the scripting for the score and timer

Hui qing and zhi yi did the scripting for the changing of scene like when the player click "how to play" it will change to another scene.
me and zhi yi did the editing/pictures for end and start games , zhiyi did "how to play"

Problem unsolved :
Automatic shooting of the gun
particle system of the bullet

Sunday 3 June 2012

Work In Progress

This is the final layout for our game.
After creating the layout, we added the house, graves, well, trees, 
barrel, character and lastly the machine guns.
i did a little touch up of the layout

For the character we encounter a lot of problem and most of them are unsolved.
The hands of the character will grow bigger which we don't understand why and how to solved it
Tried finding online to solved why when the character jumps
it doesn't goes down due to gravity.
In the end, it's the land that is falling down instead of the character
which we took quite something to figure out after we asked Mr.Ron for help.

 We added coins.
The player have to complete the game by collecting a total of 7 coins we
had place in several areas.

We also had place machine guns to act as a obstacle for the player
which were place in 3 different area of the layout.