Sunday 29 April 2012

Basically my job is texturing which is creating the outdoor area of the game,
when the game starts, the view of the character is like the First picture whereby we can only see the backview of the character.
he will starts in a room like the second picture then walk out of the room to collect all ten coins to complete the game.
He have overcome different obstacle like random bullets coming of somewhere and tunnel etc

And lastly he have to complete it within a time limit.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Assignment 1

my group member are :
lim zhiyi
jennifer leong
lim hui qing

group name : cool

so basically the game is about the player trying to find the treasure while avoiding obstacles.

Sunday 15 April 2012

first post

Your Picture
Name and Nickname : Jia Ying
Hobby : reading
Visual Effects Expertise :
Favorite Food : potato chips
Favorite Movie : INDIANA JONES and m.o.r.e
Favorite Website: tumblr , bloglovin and .....